Sale Deed and Receipt Format : Sale Deed and Receipt Format are given. Simply copy and paste the content and modify the required fields alone.

Sale Deed and Receipt Format
Sale Deed and Receipt Format starts here …
Sale Deed
We (1.) Mr. (Seller Name 1) S/o Late T.T. Gopinath, aged 45 years, residing at No. , Street, Adambakkam, Chennai-88., (2.) Mr. (Seller Name 2) S/o Late Murugesan, aged 34 years, residing at No. , Street, Pinji, Ranipet-632401 and (3.) Mr. (Seller Name 3) S/o G. Venugopal, aged 23 years, residing at No. , Street, Sainathapuram, Vellore-632001. Were the partners of an unregistered firm of “ M/s (Company Name) “ and doing business in (Company Name for sale) at No. , Street, Near Anna Statue, Arcot-632503 as a Franchise for Computer Education.
Due to our personal reasons we are not able to run the franchisee and decided to sell the franchisee to Smt. (Buyer Name), W/o G. Venugopal No. , Street, Vellore-632001 is the proprietor of M/s Mercury Computer on for a Sum of Rs.3,00,000 /- (Rupees Three Lakhs Only).
Signatures of the Partners
The break-up of the sale consideration is given below:
Systems – 78,400.00
Franchisee Fee – 25,000.00
Furniture – 10,650.00
Fan – 2,500.00
Rental Advance – 10,000.00
Table – 1,000.00
Telephone Deposit – 3,000.00
Cash in Hand as on Dt. 15.09.2004 – 28,554.00
Cash Out Standing from Students
up to Dt. 30.09.2004 – 27,555.00
Company Goodwill – 1,13,341.00
Total Rupees = 3,00,000.00
(Rupees Three Lakhs Only)
Signatures of the Partners
We received the full consideration due to us on account of sale on 30.09.2004 and nothing is due or payable to us. The amount received by the partners is as mentioned below:
Sno. Partners Name Share % Amount
(1.) Mr. Seller Name1 50% 1,50,000.00
(2.) Mr. Seller Name2 25% 75,000.00
(3.) Mr. Seller Name3 25% 75,000.00
Total Rupees = 3,00,000.00
Hereafter Smt. (Buyer Name) W/o G. Venugopal will be the sole proprietor of the (Brand of Company Name if any) Franchisee named (Company Name who buy) at No. , Street, Near Anna Statue, Arcot-632503 and we have no interest / rights in it.
Witness: Signatures of the Partners
1.) 1.)
2.) 2.)
Date : 30.09.2004
I Mr. Seller Name1 S/o Late T.T. Gopinath, aged 45 years, residing at No. , Street, Adambakkam, Chennai-88. received a full consideration of Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh and Fifty Thousand Only) from Smt. Buyer Name W/o G. Venugopal No. , Street, Sainathapuram, Vellore-632001 on account of the sale of (Brand of Company Name if any) Franchisee at Arcot including all Assets and my share (50%) in this is Rs 1,50,000.00 (Rupees One Lakh And Fifty Thousand Only)
Receiver’s Signature
Date : 30.09.2004
I Mr. Seller Name2 S/o Late Murugesan, aged 34 years, residing at No. , Street, Pinji, Ranipet-632401 received a full consideration of Rs. 75,000/- (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand Only) from Smt. Buyer Name W/o G. Venugopal No. , Street, Sainathapuram, Vellore-632001 on account of the sale of (Brand of Company Name if any) Franchisee at Arcot including all Assets and my share (25%) in this is Rs 75,000.00 (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand Only)
Receiver’s Signature
Date : 30.09.2004
I Mr. Seller Name3 S/o G. Venugopal, aged 23 years, residing at No. , Street, Sainathapuram, Vellore-632001. received a full consideration of Rs. 75,000/- (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand Only) from Smt. Buyer Name W/o G. Venugopal No. , Street, Sainathapuram, Vellore-632001 on account of the sale of (Brand of Company Name if any) Franchisee at Arcot including all Assets and my share (25%) in this is Rs 75,000.00 (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand Only)
Receiver’s Signature
Sale Deed and Receipt Format
Sale Deed and Receipt Format ends here …
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