CSC HO Profile

CSC Computer Education Private Limited, Chennai is a 37 Years old Training Institute with over 500 Centres in South India and Srilanka. CSC Computer Education is known for its quality Computer Education and is recognized as a leader in providing IT training. CSC cut the fees to economy size and let the economy class enter into the mystery world of IT industry. CSC is the BOON FOR MIDDLE CLASS People. Because of affordability, CSC sustain in the market when big players vanish over short period of time. CSC’s mission is to open the floodgates of Career Opportunity to everybody.

CSC’s completely fresh approach to developing and growing the IT training market that enabled CSC to achieve its vision of the early days and emerge as a leading global technology education brand. While it was CSC that unveiled the dream, it was the company’s Business Partners that took it forward and made it a reality. While CSC’s Business Partners remain its key strength, the company also imparts a special edge to its Partners particularly in the highly competitive IT training landscape.

Entrepreneurs that join the CSC family gain the advantage of the powerful CSC brand, which accords them immediate recognition wherever they go. Companies also benefit from participating in the IT training sector, a rapidly expanding segment, which is expected to snowball into an even bigger business opportunity in the future.

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