Appointment Order in Simplified format : Simply copy and paste the content in this post then change the name of the candidate and respective things for an Appointment Order.

Appointment Order in Simplified format content starts here…
February 16th 2012
D. YogaLakshmi
Dear YogaLakshmi,
We have pleasure in appointing you as Faculty Trainee in our organization, effective 17.02.2012. Your salary will be reviewed on successful completion of training period 3 months or at such other time as the Management may decide. Salary revisions are discretionary and will be subject to, and on the basis of, effective performance and results. Your work in the organization will be subject to the rules and regulations of the organization as laid down in relation to conduct, discipline and other matters.
Please confirm your acceptance of the appointment on the above terms and conditions by signing and returning this letter for our records.
Yours faithfully,
(Managing Director)
I have read the terms and conditions of this letter of appointment and confirm my acceptance of the same.
(Signature and Date)
Salary & applicable benefits
Name : D. YogaLakshmi
Designation : Faculty Trainee
Date of joining : 17.02.2012
Location : Arcot
Trainee Salary : Rs. 5000/- per month
After three months : Rs. 6000/- per month
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Affidavit Format – print in Rs.20/- stamp paper
Synopsis Format
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June 26th2014
We have pleasure in appointing you as System Administrator in our organization, effective 27.6.2014 on the following terms and conditions:
- Placement & Compensation
You will be placed in the appropriate band / responsibility level of the Company, and will be entitled to compensation (salary and other applicable benefits) as detailed in Annexure “A”.
- Salary revision
Your salary will be reviewed on April 1st of each year, or at such other time as the Management may decide. Salary revisions are discretionary and will be subject to, and on the basis of, effective performance and results.
- Responsibilities & Duties
Your work in the organization will be subject to the rules and regulations of the organization as laid down in relation to conduct, discipline and other matters. You will always be alive to responsibilities and duties attached to your office and conduct yourself accordingly. You must effectively perform to ensure results.
Please confirm your acceptance of the appointment on the above terms and conditions by signing and returning this letter for our records.
Yours faithfully,
For Speak Easy English
I have read the terms and conditions of this letter of appointment and confirm my acceptance of the same.
(Signature and Date)
ANNEXURE ‘A’ :COMPENSATION DETAILS (Salary & applicable benefits)
Designation : System Administrator
Date of joining : 27.6.2014
Basic Salary : Rs. 4500/- per month
Conveyance Allowance : Rs. 500/- per month